Root Canals

Root Canals for a Carefree Smile

If you suffer from an infected or injured tooth nerve, Mt. Morris Family Dental will ease your pain. We are a leading provider of root canals in Mt. Morris, MI. We perform treatments to save, restore, and enhance unhealthy teeth. You can rely on us to alleviate your pain and improve your smile.
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How Does a Root Canal Work?

Teeth are filled internally with a substance called pulp. Pulpal tissue provides nutrients and feeling to teeth. It runs down the tooth and into the gum. Unfortunately, this vital area of the tooth can become infected or damaged. When the condition worsens, a root canal may be needed to prevent tooth removal and loss. We begin by removing the affected pulp from the tooth. Then, we sanitize the tooth's interior and seal it. A protective crown is placed to reinforce the tooth and strengthen it. Root canals can be performed and completed between one and three visits.
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Providing Comfortable and Safe Root Canals

Many patients ask if root canals are painful. Due to advances in technology and dentistry, modern root canals are much less painful than past procedures. Many patients don't feel any pain or discomfort. Though some discomfort should be expected, it can be easily remedied and alleviated. At Mt. Morris Family Dental, we can apply a local anesthetic, numbing the treated tooth and relieving anxiety. Our office is equipped with the latest dental tools and technology, ensuring peace of mind and confidence in our patients.
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