Dentures & Partials

Restorative Dentures in Mt. Morris, MI

Mt. Morris Family Dental improves our patients' ability to eat, speak, and smile by providing customized, natural-looking dentures and partials in Morris Creek, MI. Our dentists and oral health specialists can assess and make your dentures on the same day. We look forward to restoring your smile.
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Dentures or Partials for a Complete Smile

Dentures or partials may be a suitable option if you are missing most or all your natural teeth. Over time, missing teeth can cause facial sagging and inhibit your ability to speak and eat correctly. Traditional dentures are set in the mouth after every affected tooth is removed and oral tissues have recovered. Partial dentures are implemented when there are still intact teeth at the upper or lower jaw. Our dentures and partials are designed to improve teeth' beauty, function, and health and alleviate oral pain. You deserve to live with a full, healthy set of teeth.
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Are Dentures or Partials Right for Me?

There are a number of factors we will consider to determine whether a denture or partial is fitting for you. During your appointment, we'll review your medical and dental history and provide a complete mouth exam. Patients with moderate to severe gum disease, decay, or rot are potential candidates for dentures or partials. If you want to enhance the look, feel, or function of your smile, Mt. Morris Family Dental can devise a restorative solution that satisfies you. We'll provide you with the highest quality dentures or partials.
smiling woman with braces