Crowns & Bridges

Protective Crowns and Bridges for Your Smile

Mt. Morris Family Dental provides restorative bridges and crowns to patients in Mt. Morris, MI. We offer superior appliances and treatments crucial to our patients' smile beauty and oral health. We'll provide you with a solution that reverses the effects of damage and decay and restores your smile to prime condition.
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Brighten Your Smile With a Crown

A dental crown is intended to protect a decayed or damaged tooth and strengthen it. It is crafted to look and feel natural and placed over the affected tooth, covering it for a new appearance and function. Dental crowns can also be applied over dental implants to reinforce their strength and structure. Our specialists may recommend a dental crown to you if a filling is insufficient for your level of care. We use innovative color-matching and shape technology to craft comfortable and lifelike crowns.
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Fill Your Gaps With Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are used to cover large swaths of teeth. They are best suited for patients with massive or significant tooth decay or loss. Gaps leave intact teeth vulnerable to shifting out of place, which could lead to dysfunctional bite, disease, or jaw disorders. Dental bridges comprise two crowns attached to each side of the gap. We begin by readying close-by teeth so we can fix the bridge to them. Then, we customize the bridge and set it in your mouth. Afterwards, you'll be able to chew, speak, and smile like normal.
young couple laughing